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Climbing Campout!

The first overnighter of the new year was a lock-in at Vertical Rock climbing center. Scouts and adults had a great time!


Scouting for Food 2023

This past weekend during Scouting for Food, Pack 657 and Troop 895 collected 3,750 pounds of non-perishables for Columbia Baptist Church’s food pantry. Thank you to our Falls Church neighbors for your generosity!

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Fall Court of Honor

The troop recently held its Fall Court of Honor and our Eagle Court of Honor at Falls Church Presbyterian Church. Several rank advancements and many merit badges earned. Congratulations to Abe for receiving his Eagle rank, which was presented by his grandfather, who is also an Eagle Scout!

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Our new Eagle Scout!

Congratulations to Abe K. on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout! Abe will continue to be a leader with the troop as he joins us as our newest Assistant Scoutmaster!


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